Oh! wanton stream
Gurgling down the vale
Gliding in pure mirth and ease
Lulled softly by
The fragrance laden breeze
Fills my heart with joy.
Thy elegant gait
Cheers me boundless
I stop,gaze and wonder
How cute you are!
I linger near amazed
Standing motionless and still
Thy beauty fills my heart
With dreams countless
Thy charms and quaintness
Drags me towards thee
And thy gaiety makes me
Jealous and joyous.
I long to be engulfed by thee
Thy very presence makes me ecstatic
Tentatively I touch thee
Thy cool enchanting softness
Fills my heart with
Longing to caress thee
And drink avidly from thee.
Oh dear,balm my heart with
Thy cool and soft touch.
Arrested I stand transfixed to see
Dimpling cheeks,thy fullness
And the way you laugh and pass
I yearn to yell at the stars
I love thee and be my love forever.