Wednesday, October 9, 2024

 Words we use are very powerful tools 

It can be used to hurt others profoundly 

Sometimes it can uplift the morale of people 

Many other times it can soothe the suffering out 

It may help to fill the vacuum of the destitute 

Solacing words are more important than food to the hapless 

It gives the impetus to ply ahead in desperate times 

It’s like sumptuous food that rejuvenate the body and soul 

We learn to use both in very early days of our life 

But many are ignorant to use both of them benevolently 

As we misuse food only to satiate our bingy 

To the level of ott to satisfy our taste buds not to sate our hunger 

WORDS must be used carefully for it’s very potent 

Unfortunately many don’t understand its potency 

Some use them randomly instead of being selective to the occasion 

Alas ! We don’t know how to cater them with equanimity 

When words are catered without prudence and stoicism 

Without considering their status creates great discord 

At the end of the day the resultant will be unequivocal dissension 

Beware use words with caution. 

 We earn a wonderful individuality and personality

By amiable and amicable behaviour

Pleasant and sweet expression often surpass physical discord

Deal children with affection and gentleness like a breeze

Respect the old like tantalising fragrance

Be polite to everyone with encouraging words

Good words caress others like an aromatic flower

Good words are like a scintillating diamond

Often they are like a blazing torch And a blizzard chilling up to the marrows

Begin the day with great thoughts and deeds

At the end of the day everything will be great

Those who lead a forgiving life are not dastardly

For to forget and forgive is one of the best virtues in life

Such a soul will be remembered always by the multitude.

 It’s easy to rout a society or a country 

Bring its youth to a state of disoriented stupidity 

By inducing to use drugs and making them mere puppets 

In the hands of corrupted politicians as sycophants 

Only to satisfy vested interests of tangential gains 

The best way to dilapidate the state is to devastate its education 

The culture values and other virtues slowly loosen its grip 

Thwarting them from achieving any meaningful goals 

Today our education is marginalised moulding the youth into drones 

They are incapable of reacting, thinking positively 

Instead of being studious they bicker among themselves 

Destroying their future and career and many don’t allow others 

Many of them simply acquiesce the atrocities 

It shows that they are being scapegoated without any options 

No one is at the helm to guide them properly 

Alas where are we heading to, at the end of the day everything will topsy turvy 

The common multitude too are irresponsible 

Doing nothing to tide over the ruckus 

Mob lynching and mobocracy has become the chic of the day 

Meanwhile some are shrewdly scheming to put in place a caliphate 

The pathos of the ignorant and the succumbed has become irrelevant. 

 Everything in excess is a canker 

Like pseudo prestige over pride and ego 

Slough off and enjoy life judiciously 

Anger hatred envy hurt us more than others 

Lead a palatable life for our health 

The only priceless possession we have is health 

When it’s lost no other thing is of value 

The most valuable thing in our life is still we are breathing 

This is not my guesstimation or pejorative but a fact 

When it goes out nothing can retrieve it 

Beware keep your health intact by keeping healthy habits 

Throw out everything that harms your health 

Remember the dictum “ health is wealth “ .

Once again back to the power of words 

Words a very powerful tool can be used either to hurt or soothe others 

The tone pitch volume pace combined with expression do the magic 

When delivered pleasantly with compatible body language and expression 

Create a dynamic timbre among the listeners 

So use words judiciously to arouse

curiosity and keep the listeners focused 

But on many occasions non verbal communication is more powerful than verbal communication 

Always keep a low pitch and tone to impart ideas 

Mediocre pace is advisable with pleasant modulation 

Remember words trigger emotions individually and collectively 

Always be calm your emotions are impertinent 

You are there not to generate emotions but to suggest and share your vision views and information 

And always to receive not to impose something 

Capture the attention and keep it focused 

By proper tone pitch volume and pleasant voice and expression 

And good modulation according to the situation and the gravity of the subject 

How you communicate is very important 

Don’t use an aggressive tone instead occasionally funny tone will do the trick 

Don’t use anxious tone for the listeners can’t understand the way you understand 

They understand only in their own perceptive 

Once again be calm and confident and use a confident tone. 

The victory is yours. 

 You may want to possess many things in life 

Try hard to own them, if they don’t come to your way 

Let them go leave them avoid them from your life 

Let them go free in its own way, allow them to wander freely 

If ever they come to you accept them willingly 

If not they belong to someone else, don’t spend a moment worrying about them 

Go fervently after some other dreams, never let disappointment down you 

Failures are many in life each one gives us a new lesson 

To enrich our life, to congregate courage and march ahead to success. I

 Nature has benevolently gifted us with two precious handouts 

One is time which is very short and the other is health which we often conveniently overlook

Both are like eels if we don’t handle carefully they will slip out easily 

Manoeuvre them with utmost care and skill 

Everyone must master the art of micromanagement of time 

Lost moments are lost forever and nothing can retrieve it 

Wasted time in the productive age will remain a waste on hindsight 

In productive age we often fall a victim of insignificant relations 

Like friendship and many others, they won’t even last a couple of years 

Not forgetting that man is a social animal 

He must socialise judicially and careful to keep them a hand away 

Unsolicited attachments often end in utter disaster 

Likewise if health is lost everything is lost, but it can be recovered to a certain extent 

Beware time and health tarry for none.