Wednesday, October 9, 2024

 It’s easy to rout a society or a country 

Bring its youth to a state of disoriented stupidity 

By inducing to use drugs and making them mere puppets 

In the hands of corrupted politicians as sycophants 

Only to satisfy vested interests of tangential gains 

The best way to dilapidate the state is to devastate its education 

The culture values and other virtues slowly loosen its grip 

Thwarting them from achieving any meaningful goals 

Today our education is marginalised moulding the youth into drones 

They are incapable of reacting, thinking positively 

Instead of being studious they bicker among themselves 

Destroying their future and career and many don’t allow others 

Many of them simply acquiesce the atrocities 

It shows that they are being scapegoated without any options 

No one is at the helm to guide them properly 

Alas where are we heading to, at the end of the day everything will topsy turvy 

The common multitude too are irresponsible 

Doing nothing to tide over the ruckus 

Mob lynching and mobocracy has become the chic of the day 

Meanwhile some are shrewdly scheming to put in place a caliphate 

The pathos of the ignorant and the succumbed has become irrelevant. 

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