Thursday, November 23, 2023

 To all my friends. 

Another Easter is on its way 

to celebrate but to forget soon 

Even though life has to be a continuous celebration

We celebrate only on restricted occasions 

Life is a program conditioned to function

in a certain way 

But we intervene to recondition and the resultant is cataclysmic havoc. 

The entirety in this universe is auto generated programs

subjected to perish at any point of time 

due to vira of varied hue and color 

The convolution in life is due to involution of man giving forth volition to humans 

gifted with haecceity and quiddity, but

most often jeopardizing the environment. 

Be happy celebrate don’t be a hedonist 

Be good and do good don’t be a nihilist 

Be philanthropic and serve don’t be a flunky 

Love, love to the core don’t be a con man 

Seek and a seeker not to yield and subjugate. 

To be religious is beyond religion 

The sole way to god is purity of mind. 

The concept of Easter is 

resurrection from death to eternity,

From ignorance to omniscience 

From subjugation to emancipation 

From time space to the absolute 

From vituperative invectives to

munificent philanthropy 

Creating an unconditional state of effulgent being 

May His light guide our paths 

His love grace our hearts

His sacrifice strengthen our souls

To a state of eminence,innocence and love 

To be compassionate and empathetic 

To everyone we meet and greet 

And let Jesus resurrect in our hearts

Making it luminous and glorious. 

May this blessing happen in the life of everyone 

Especially You my sweet ones 

Whom I keep close to my heart. 



The message that comes in the morning 

Is very significant but many ignores 

It carries love respect and regards 

It tells us that we are remembered 

How can we kill that remembrance?

It’s neither polite nor noble to ignore it 

With petty excuses like no time very busy 

For every human relationship is based on give and take 

It can never be a one way traffic 

It flourishes in cooperation and mutual respect 

If we don’t care it will wither away into oblivion 

Don’t allow it happen because it is the foremost of all relationships 

Nothing comes anywhere near good friendship 

Only in good friendship we can be open 

Only an open mind can be pure and happy 

So let every relationship be on friendship. 


Flowers are an astounding gift of nature 

To pacify and soothe the suffering of man in grief 

Everywhere on this earth flowers flaunt to nurture 

And to make delightful our lives in brief 

Oh nature how compassionate you are 

To bless us with so many things beautiful 

Flowers are the finest and silky in nature 

But the roses with tantalising fragrance are the most wonderful 


I always feel elated at your unassuming majestic glory 

Flowers big and small always bloom in nature 

To relieve us from fret and meaningless worry 

Really are expressions of love for us to mature 

Flowers blooming slowly make us joyous 

Saddens us deeply when they wither 

I am happy to watch nature ostentatiously rejoice 

In so many pellucid hues hither 

Flowers are my best and comely companion

I always longed to be one among them 

But how can I be so innocent like a flower to be one 

Until I once again be a child am born in reciprocal altruism  

Flowers are scintillating entities of Mother Earth 

Soothing the downtrodden minds in tranquility 

Beatifically prancing flowers fill my heart with blithe 

Always a solace to fill my mind with equanimity 

Butterflies bees and hummingbirds swarm around 

Flowers unconditionally feed them with their nectar 

We selfish mortals are always dastardly bound 

Bickering fecklessly always in our sector. 



Today is the day of your betrothal 

and the day of your wedding will come soon 

Then anniversaries will come and go 

Instead of waiting for any special 

events or occasion to come 

Let love sprout at each moment

Making life joyous and wonderful

Filling life with newness and novelty 

Never let it be stagnant and still 

Always keep it a flux and thus slither 

Through the joys and pains of life

Retaining and giving insatiable thirst

To know more and feel more

Fulfilling the wants of everything in nature

Taking care the utmost to quench 

Yet to feel and enjoy from everything

The fruitful juice of luscious love.

Love is the most wizardry alchemical phenomenon in the world 

Even a fleeting glimpse or a caressing 

touch will be kaleidoscopic 

An open sesame to vistas and casements 

of treasures in life till unknown 

A Midas touch to make life glittering 

to harbor anything anywhere 

Will strengthen you to cut through 

the Gordian knots of life 

Never veer away when you reach 

a ford a fork or a cul de sac 

Feel pure glee like a bud that quivers to bloom 

Like a wave that pauses before it falls into zillions of bubbles 

Not to wither away but to gather more strength to bloom 

More strength to form yet another huge wave 

Welcome life as it is like the arid and parched earth receives the silken strings of rain from the nimbus 

Hazards and hurdles may come 

Ply ahead, man through the eddies 

of life with determination , undaunted 

Ready to hug and smile to face the music 

May God grant you his blessings 

And serenity to realize the meaning of love 

The most amazing and meaningful state in the world 

But envy hatred and spite reign and sway

Everyone runs after pecuniary benefits 

Thus scarcity of love makes the mind callus 

But occasionally people come face to face 

With love the wizardry state in which 

Every one realizes the gist of life 

To give more and take less 

Emanating joy and hilarity throughout one’s life 

For the span of life is only a fleck

So enjoy life my dear 

Wishing you a wonderful life of joy 

Unconditional love and prosperity 

Through out your life always. 

May I finish with a prayer 

May god grant his serenity to accept the things that you cannot change, 

Courage to change the things that you can 

Wisdom to know the difference. 

George of the woods. 

 Life's spectrum


I sat on the sand dunes

Watching the play of colours

In the horizon and on the waters

The waves were slow and steady

Not furious and frightening

They lashed against the rocks

Frothing and breaking into spray

The wind was orchestrating the melody

Of nature in a thousand tunes

The synchronicity is really stupendous

The golden disc was going to meet

Someone behind at a set rendezvous

The kaleidoscope of sunset amazed me

All these lulled me into a semi trance

Soon everything stood still transfixing me

Into oblivion and the synergy of nature

Seeped into me obliterating the pall

Of darkness slowly engulfing me…

The days months and years rolling by

Are nothing but changes beyond our ascendancy 

Transporting us in viewless wings of time

Into a world of bliss and joy

Without knowing this we fret and fear

So we bicker and enviously grumpy

Instead of enjoying the evanescent life

 Filled with beauty of a thousand flamboyant

Vicissitudes that we ignore but

They are flaunting ostentatiously for us

Are we alert to these sublime serendipities of life?

What a folly!!george of the woods.