Thursday, November 23, 2023


I reached a ford totally baffled 

The river was turbulent and furious 

Couldn't find a way to cross 

Woe betided me melancholy weighed me down 

I sat down perplexed and perturbed 

Thinking about the next transpose 

I have to cross the river that was certain 

Quite out of the blue a spark dawned on me 

Why have I to cross to the other bank?

Without even understanding the affairs of this bank 

How can I understand the unknown things of the other 

A really mystifying phenomenon 

I thought that the world was ugly and rotten 

Full of canker and rancid in toto

But the realization as Eos brightens the east

Dimpled my murky mind with clarity 

That myself is malicious and have to be cleansed 

Of a zillion trolls of untidy musings that pall 

The quivering bubble of goodness thriving to surface 

I let the reins go ahah!!! I found myself in a different world 

Of beauty and grace   the prancing lilies 

Sparkling blades of grass  buds quivering to open 

The rays of the early morn that flit and dance 

In the gurgling rivulets and flowers of thousand hues 

The gentle breeze wafted the refreshing fragrance of musk rose

 Twinning ivies in the glens 

Filled the vacuum with bliss , 

pure glee 

Everything looks different beautiful and glorious 

I opened my eyes to enjoy the world 

The Earth does not need man

But man needs Earth for his existence 

When will man learn to walk on earth??


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