Thursday, November 23, 2023


Flowers are an astounding gift of nature 

To pacify and soothe the suffering of man in grief 

Everywhere on this earth flowers flaunt to nurture 

And to make delightful our lives in brief 

Oh nature how compassionate you are 

To bless us with so many things beautiful 

Flowers are the finest and silky in nature 

But the roses with tantalising fragrance are the most wonderful 


I always feel elated at your unassuming majestic glory 

Flowers big and small always bloom in nature 

To relieve us from fret and meaningless worry 

Really are expressions of love for us to mature 

Flowers blooming slowly make us joyous 

Saddens us deeply when they wither 

I am happy to watch nature ostentatiously rejoice 

In so many pellucid hues hither 

Flowers are my best and comely companion

I always longed to be one among them 

But how can I be so innocent like a flower to be one 

Until I once again be a child am born in reciprocal altruism  

Flowers are scintillating entities of Mother Earth 

Soothing the downtrodden minds in tranquility 

Beatifically prancing flowers fill my heart with blithe 

Always a solace to fill my mind with equanimity 

Butterflies bees and hummingbirds swarm around 

Flowers unconditionally feed them with their nectar 

We selfish mortals are always dastardly bound 

Bickering fecklessly always in our sector. 


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