Christmas Eve
Heaven descended down on earth
In the form of an infant
In a manger in Bethlehem
Making the people of the world
Happy and joyous beyond words.
A comet appeared in the Far East
To herald the advent of the Holy
Guiding the Magi towards the manger.
Making a long and tedious journey
They came to pay their tribute to the infant
Who had taken his birth in a sty
Forgoing the celestial glory to nothing
To show mankind the folly of
Glory,fame and power hankering.
But they realized the value of love
So they placed their offerings
" Myrrh,gold and incense "
Kneeling down at the feet of the infant.
The shepherds in the freezing cold of the night
Too were given the news of the birth
By cherubs and seraphs
Singing in a joyous chorus annunciating
Peace on earth to those who are pure in mind.
The whole world rejoiced in the birth
Except a few whose minds were
Envious to retain power trivial.
We celebrate Christmas everywhere
In a thousand forms and ways.
It becomes meaningless until
The Lord is born in our hearts
To rejuvenate it with a new life.
But truly we are afraid for we have to
Abandon much to receive Him in our hearts.
But our hearts are full with crude
And subtle envies of thousand forms
Preventing the Lord from entering.
First we have to purge our hearts
Of the various vices they are full.
Can we ever do that?I doubt
Let's abstain from vices and abjure
To welcome Him that we must
In this Christmas season at least.
George of the woods
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