Thursday, November 23, 2023

 Random thoughts from a pensive soul.


Life sprouts and smiles its radiating innocence 

Vast beds of lilies appear flaunting their ethereal smile-

The hills are once again clad in velvet green 

And in the dancing giggling mountain streams 

That flash strains of silver merry little fishes flit and dance.

The ancient river of creativity wakes up from her hibernation 

And softly babbles at the fords and we know 

That life is revealing expression through a thousand outlets.

This river flows like a song,it feels its way down like an ancient epic.

The vernal showers become a jocund expression of love 

They become the merry tears of the heavens.

Rains rain like soft whimpers 

They seep our souls like a timeless cadence.

The blades of grass sport pearly globules of water 

That reflect the little work of creativity.

The effervescent wetness permeates the core of life 

And we realize that the caring eternal hand still makes it happen.

The feathery touch of vernal rains coaxes the dreaming buds to life,

And beds of flowers appear like the dreams of the earth.

This vernal showers become a touching lullaby to the fatigued souls.

The weeping thatch eaves remind us a smothering loneliness.

Vernal showers are different,they are ephemeral and occasional 

The earth in its excruciating moment of ecstasy 

Exudes an aroma ,petrichor, the scent of long and ravaging spell of separation 

The perfume that is synonymous with moist vernal dusks.

In fact every rain is a convincing panacea that cures our gore of separation. 

The second rain is a moment of reassurance 

That the antique covenant still holds good.

We are sojourners of the blue planet and we have little span of time 

So............?george of the woods 

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