Thursday, November 23, 2023

 Life is a miraculous gift of Mother Nature 

The way she evolved man is an enigmatic perfection 

But the ruckus he wrought on her!! the reckless onslaught is beyond percipience

The myriad species of life he caused to skedaddle out into extinction!!

His rapacity acquisitiveness aggravated the scenario 

Dipping the blue planet to a state of putrescent condition 

Unawares that once the stone of life is catapulted 

The trajectory is neither vertical nor horizontal always downward bent after reaching the apogee 

Falling down down untoward nadir - our doom 

We need circumspection to whet our wits to go ahead 

To forestall the catastrophe is our obligation 

The roof and crown of creation 

The incorrigible man will never learn from the past 

We Indians lead a life of stupor a nonchalant stupefaction 

Majority consuming a quarter daily and sleep with peace of mind 

For them past was good present is also good and future will also be a very good 

Try to be one among them is the most funniest 

But we are tethered by an ungulate mammal , an arab

 from the pits of desert and the vicarious suffering of a man on the cross 

When will we learn to be pragmatic!!!

May wonder why these higgledy piggledy or beating about the bush

Instead of coming straight to the crux

These are the random thoughts of a pensive heart. 

Today is the most important day of our life 

The day on which still we breathe with out a choice 

Nature gracefully moulded our entity into a virtual reality 

Be thankful to the physical world to which we are a part 

The environment the flora and the fauna are closely associated 

To which we have an unbreakable obligation 

For we coexist - our life is a waste unless we realize 

The earth does not need us but we need the earth 

She will be much more better without us sure and certain 

These are reflections. 


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