Thursday, November 23, 2023

 All peregrinations are made delightful 

Not by the beauty of the destinations reached 

But by the presence of a buddy 

Who understands and ready to share the burdens of our life 

Listen to our stories with forbearance 

We are lucky to have such a partner in the journey of our life too

Definitely both will become meaningful 

Not until understanding deepens 

And the realisation dawns that all are sojourners 

To enjoy in full this evanescent life 

Granted to us unsolicited by existence 

Inspite of eddies and angsts as we go along 

No matter if we reach a cul-de-sac 

A way out will be there seek fervently and find

And march boldly towards your destination 

Without daunting challenges that may we encounter 

For life is a speck in this multi stringed universe 

That we’re foolishly proud of 

What is the quintessence of life 

Do good think good and be good to others 

Do to others what you want others do to you 

Help them in whatever way we can 

Nothing more or nothing less. 

Don’t ever worry about god if there is one 

He is powerful enough to do his business 

Doesn’t need our support. 

It’s his duty to protect provide and support his creations. 


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