Melancholia of desolation is beyond words
Many hapless people suffer from alienation
No pertinence in blaming the youngsters or offsprings
They are forced to go either abroad or elsewhere
Seeking livelihood and to mould their future
Leaving their homes and oldsters in seclusion
But the old are victimised to suffer the empty nest syndrome
For man has become a social animal in the course of evolution
As a man he needs confreres to associate with
A soul mate to discuss and ruminate the past
Recognition is a must for his survival
Longs to be loved and recognised without conditions
But one can reprogram and be alone without stress
Can flirt with solitude and make it his Dulcinea
In this expeditiously changing world one must adapt to the changes
Otherwise life will be humdrum and
Keep learning and indulge in mind refreshing activities
Once one stops learning he starts dying
Body and soul must be kept agile and ready
Not to argue or debate but to discuss and learn
It’s a process one has to master to keep his quiver full
Remember everyone has a constant unsolicited companion -death
Remember birth is nothing but the beginning of death
Some march slowly to death some others suddenly
Eventually everyone succumbs in the end
Death a very close one to an oldster
But maybe a little far away to a youngster
But death is stalking and ready to prance upon us
Don’t panic go on your way do your business and don’t bother
Before it comes you have miles to go and complete a lot
Indulge in your journey with joy and happiness as a skylark
The ultimate goal of life is to attain ataraxia
It needs a lot of tools like love compassion the ability to forget and forgive.
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