Thursday, November 23, 2023

 The easiest thing in life is to find fault with others 

The difficult part is to find fault in oneself 

People never care to introspect 

Instead always love to lead a self complacent life of ease 

Creating angst around and in oneself 

Such people are presumptuous and jump in to conclusions 

A mind full of conclusions is dead and callous

A living mind is free always learning never concluding 

Dead minds always judge others on hearsay evidences 

Keeping aloof and dumping friends thinking they’re faulty 

It’s meaningless to blame them 

For it’s cognitive biases forcing them to behave likewise 

They are ignorant of behavioural economics and heuristic psychology 

The only one place a person can improve in the universe is oneself 

We have no right to judge others until and unless we are in their shoes 

We need absolutely nothing to do good but power to do evil 

Remember the other is always the problem until we understand 

As understanding deepens every problem disappears

Trying to make others understand is the biggest folly 

Because people understand from their own perception 

Naturally Homo sapiens are argument proof 

Theodicy tried and trying to answer many questions 

But failed miserably and will fail no doubt 

In course of evolution man developed cognitive biases generally known as holes 

Discussion with good people sharpen the brain thus helping the closure of the holes 

So it is very fortunate to have good friends around us 

And when we have them hold on to them real tight

Remember debate and arguments are exchange of ego and ignorance

But discussion is an exchange of knowledge and thoughts. 


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