Thursday, November 23, 2023

 Life's spectrum


I sat on the sand dunes

Watching the play of colours

In the horizon and on the waters

The waves were slow and steady

Not furious and frightening

They lashed against the rocks

Frothing and breaking into spray

The wind was orchestrating the melody

Of nature in a thousand tunes

The synchronicity is really stupendous

The golden disc was going to meet

Someone behind at a set rendezvous

The kaleidoscope of sunset amazed me

All these lulled me into a semi trance

Soon everything stood still transfixing me

Into oblivion and the synergy of nature

Seeped into me obliterating the pall

Of darkness slowly engulfing me…

The days months and years rolling by

Are nothing but changes beyond our ascendancy 

Transporting us in viewless wings of time

Into a world of bliss and joy

Without knowing this we fret and fear

So we bicker and enviously grumpy

Instead of enjoying the evanescent life

 Filled with beauty of a thousand flamboyant

Vicissitudes that we ignore but

They are flaunting ostentatiously for us

Are we alert to these sublime serendipities of life?

What a folly!!george of the woods.

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